Middle Aged Working Men Wanting to Lose Lbs Topics

The Middle age spread, still in the Work Force with a Daily job. Working to resolve Dietary issues, health, and Exercise. Suggestions and Motivations.....

Daily Exercise 3 messages

Last message on 08/14/16 by MikeM58: I hope this group starts back up. I'm 56, a production manager. 50-55 hour work weeks, yadda, yadda, yadda. I'm down 26 lbs over the past six weeks. Diet and 6 miles a day (per FitBit) is doing it. Please respond if yours looking for support?

Food Intake? 2 messages

Last message on 06/02/16 by KyBoy46: I'm trying to stay under 2200 calories.

Middle Aged Working Men Wanting to Lose Lbs. The Middle age spread, still in the Work Force with a Daily job. Working to resolve Dietary issues, health, and Exercise. Suggestions and Motivations.....