Monthly challenges Topic

I have decided to do monthly challenges this year. January I cut out most refined carbs (bread, crackers, chips, pasta) and February I am going to try to eat 5 cups of veggies a day. 2 at lunch, 2 at dinner and 1 at breakfast(v8). Anyone have any ideas for any eating based challenges?

February: avoid alcohol intake and save the calories.

Great goals. I am always working to keep non-starchy veggies high and using portion-controlled fresh fruit to satisfy my sweet tooth.

The icy roads are definitely a challenge to exercise outside or even at the gym. Anyone living in an area that feels like the Arctic? I am!

Dancing in my livingroom when I can't cross country ski is always fun!

March 2014 goals: more non-starchy vegetables; increase intensity of treadmill workout (1 hr per day currently); slight increase in speed and incline--MtnDog

Great goals. MtnDog. My current goal for this month is to consistently do my upper body strength exercises and to explore Pilates at the studio near where I live. I feel that at 52, I need to include a good breath/core workout to my routine. This could help my upper body strength as well.


I'm thinking my goal this month is to learn when I fall off the wagon, to not kick myself so I feel even worse, but to get back on to my lifestyle change.

Monthly challenges