Motivation Topic

Hi, - I am lacking in motivation because I was really good for two weeks and didn't see the scale move at all. Not at all! So this last weekend I totally blew it...Ok, so I started again. I guess since I am over 40 it is harder to get off as everyone keeps telling me.

I need to think of long term future goals
1) we are going on vacation this summer and I want to be able to keep up with the family.
2) I want to be able to run in some 5K races this summer
3) I want to look good in a cocktail dress for my husband's Christmas party next December.

Sorry I am ranting....
What is everyone else's motivation?

Hi! My motivation is normally seeing the scale gradually go down, so I hear you on the plateau. My best method is to control the meals I eat without my family - breakfast and lunch - because it's harder to eat low cal meals when we're having a family meal. Otherwise my motivators are the same as yours - looking better in my clothes, baring some skin in the summer, etc. I've done the virtual team weight loss thing before any it REALLY helped keep us all motivated. And I got a lifelong friend out of it, bonus!

SpinningInfinity, what virtual team did you join? Something like this?
