I lost 15 pounds and then Christmas hit. I’ve gained 3 back but am ready to get back at it with gusto. Trying to lose about 35 more. I have health problems that make exercising difficult but hopefully they will be decreasing a little in the weeks to come. Took a short walk yesterday for the first time in several months. Was great to get outdoors even for a few minutes.

Hello everyone. I’m new to this app. Looking forward to encouraging friends and to be encouraged. Wanting to reach my weight loss goal.

I need the motivation today! I can’t stop gaining weight!!

You guys can reach your goal. You’ve got this

mamadeaux, let think about this:
what has changed since you started gaining weight? have you ben eating differently? have you stopped or started doing anything different? i would gladly talk to you about getting on track to loosing weight if youd like to chat! ive recently lost aorund 40lbs just cutting my carb intake to 30g a day, and keeping my body moving by doing light excercise throughout the day.
a few light excercises ive used can be found here :
even just simple stretches or yoga or stepping in place can be a big help! for EVERYONE!

Hello, 65 years old and have lost 22 lbs over the last 6 months. The app has helped me. I do water arobics 2 times a week (love it) and have now added pickle ball to my exercise list. I have Rheumatoid Arthritis so have to be a little careful on the exercise with my ankles. I have to lose 44 more lbs and have reached a stale mate. Little frustrating. Glad to see this forum.

Hi Katydidtoo,

Congrats on losing 22 pounds! Here is an article with tips on dealing with a weight plateau in case it is helpful to you.

Your exercise plan sounds great! I bet the scale will start moving again! Brenda (MyNetDiary Dietitian)

Congratulations Katydidtoo!


Congrats to all those who are seeing success! I’ve been trying to lose weight for some time and have tried this app multiple times but I’m finally being consistent. This is my fourth day tracking and being under my calorie budget.

For my ladies who are struggling these three things were a game changer for me: 1) watching my net diary video tutorial on how to log food 2) watching YouTube series mind over munch specifically the class on food freedom and becoming aware of my impulsive eating 3) the realization that consistency is making the same choice every time so mentally when I make choices about what I will eat, I think choose Weight loss! Choose weight loss!