My first Goal is; what is yours? Topic

My first goal is to get all my food grades to an A. No more C or below for me!
I will use the app at the store to get A graded foods and check the potential grades before eating. I read sometimes you can buy the same thing, just choose the brand that has the best grade! And how many of us aren't confused when there is an entire aisle full of choices that say healthy?
I think at night I will take my anxiety medicine early so I do not stress eat at night and try to eat small amounts during the day so I do not eat all at once at night.
My second goal is to meet the calorie and nutrition requirements daily.
My fats are almost always under because I buy low-fat stuff on purpose. I want to balance my carbs. I didn't realize the vegetarian foods I eat sometimes could make me go over in carbs! And I have to lay off the saltine crackers that I love soo much.
Most of all come on this site and post if I am in need of stress relief, company or encouragement. Reaching out makes all the difference!
One step at a time right? This will take time to complete.

*What is your first goal?*

Great goals!

Great goals!

Great goals!

Great goals!

This thing doesn't notify me of posts or replies. It also says error when we post everywhere, but it really does post, so I wrote tech support and ignore the error until it gets fixed. Scanning at the store is absolutely amazing and shocking what gets C's and what gets A's you didn't think would! I am happy to have the app to help me navigate the mixed up sometimes lying health foods at the store.

How are you doing?

My first goal - to go for a 30 min walk and not be huffing and puffing at the end.

I hear ya there and that will happen. Just take your time and slowly go further and further. Suddenly you will be walking further than you know and breathing fine :-)

I’m back on track just met my first goal losing 25 pound in 3 months! Now just entered my next 25 pound goal to lose by my next doctor appointment! Can’t exercise yet waiting till I get under 300 pounds for that which should be around December of this year!! But little steps and moving a little bit more at a time and keeping my calories and sodium under budget!

25 down is awesome, good job! As far as exercise goes, I'd recommend you to get a light resistance band. One band is enough to do tons of exercises, even while you are sitting on your sofa while doing them. This way you build up some muscle, which in return helps you to burn more body fat because muscles consume more energy. 5 minutes here, 5 there, 5 while watching a movie... every little bit counts. Just keep in mind that each 1g of muscle equals 3g of body fat. So if you gain muscle, you may see slower weight loss progress on the scale. So it's also wise to just measure your waist once a month and maybe go to a clothes store and see if you technically could go 1 or 2 sizes smaller. Doesn't mean you have to buy something. But you can target what you want to buy once you reach your overall goal. Keep going, you can do it!

My first Goal is; what is yours?