MyNetDiary release notes Topic

What about the Blackberry 8300? Im running ver 4.5

I would like the system to be able to automatically import my Vitamins and Medication to eqach day. I always take the same amounts of these items and its getting tedious having to type they over and over or coping them .

Is there any way that you could add a weekly bottom line analysis like the daily one? I think that it would be a great motivator to see the total number of calories "lost" in a week, amount of activity calories burned for the week, etc... I love the thumbs up and thumbs down format with the little nutrition tips and think that it just makes sense to get that info for the entire week.

Never mind. It works. Thanks

I am having a problem uploading the Blackbery 4.2 version to my 8830 running 4.3.

I keep getting a syntax error when I use the Application loader

Hello Tedlaw, to download a BlackBerry version for 4.2 devices from our web site, you need to point your BlackBerry web browser to

If you continue getting errors, please submit a support request, so we can take this offline.

Thanks, I did it an d it works now

I would love to see a body fat chart that shows POUNDS (v percentage) of body fat. As weight and percent fluctuate, it is really the pounds of fat I want to concentrate on.

Dear members, below is the complete list of Dietitian's articles created for MyNetDiary users:

Why Keep Diet and Exercise Records - discusses benefits of keeping a food diary, and other helpful behaviors.

Measuring and Estimating Portion Size - provides practical tips on portion control, both planning and estimating portion sizes.

Foods to Meet Nutrient Needs - it does matter where calories come from!

Customizing Your Calorie Goals - helps you plan your diet and customize your calorie goals with MyNetDiary.

Customizing Your Nutrient Goals - helps you plan and enter your macronutrients, sodium, and vitamin D goals in MyNetDiary.

The Dreaded Weight Plateau - discusses the underlying reasons for not losing weight, and offers several tips and guidelines on breaking it.

Physical Activity - it's all about moving! The article discusses types of physical activity and how to get started.

Hidden Cues To Eating - what drives us to overeat?

Dietitian's Personal Account - a dietitian also needs to control weight and shares some personal strategies.

Water Needs - explains why we need water and approximately how much of it we need.

Weight Maintenance - congratulations, you have achieved your weight goal! What's next?

Tips for Managing Diabetes - discusses diet aspects of diabetes management.

Have a great day!

Dear members, we have improved Reports page

1. "Food report" & "Daily summary" report:
a. Implemented energy percentage row: macronutrients, fat components, sugar, fiber

b. Added links to individual complete Daily reports from daily rows (not shared via community pages)

2. Added cell titles (displayed on mouse over event) for "Food report", "Daily summary" report, Daily report

3. Added daily notes, vitamins, glasses of water to "Daily summary" report, not shared via community


MyNetDiary release notes