need help... Topic

im new and i dont really have anyone to motavate me or anything...can someone help me?!?! :P

I have been doing this off and on.. And I've started to do it again.. What do you need help with?

Are you still on here? What do you need!

I wonder how many people actually stick with this. I'll admit, it's tough. Any suggestions on how to make it easier?

I may not check the boards all the time and I have "fallen of the wagon" more than it is obvious in all my numbers (weight & BG) that I haven't tracked. Whenever I stay within the plan all is good. I find I have to be very strict with myself!

ARRHHHGGG! This community stuff is confusing me! Got everything else worked out and I have my profile set up but have a couple of questions: what are your "friends"?, what are the "groups"? And what are the "teams"? Are they all sort if the same thing?

Hi everyone! I also just restarted MND and am trying to figure out how to add friends to hold each other accountable! From my understanding you go to a particular persons profile and change the attitude towards someone from neutral to friendly! That means you can now follow their progress! I would love for you all to follow me to hold me accountable!

Count me in!

need help...