New to Team Topic

Hello all,
Mary Ann here, just joined and I am 57 for 2 more days :-) I am disabled and limited with exercise. I hope to receive and give support with the Team in mind.

Hi, Mary Ann! I'm glad you came to the group. I am disabled and find that Aquajoints has been the best thing for me. I'm not getting tons of cardio, but I don't have 'after exercise' pain, either.

Hi MKL, nice to meet you?? Yes, I completely agree.

I purchased the Aqua Jogging equipment and it has been the best purchase I have ever made! ?? You see, I had a terrible vehicle accident about 6 yrs ago and suffered a Spinal Cord injury?? Since then the ONLY true relief I get is in the heated pool, just hanging for a bit, no pressure?? then I do my Aqua Jogging, etc.
I weighed at my highest lbs 185, and I am 141 now?? I would still like 20 lbs less.
Good Luck this week everyone and Be Well??

Mary Ann: hope you had a great birthday! What is the aqua jogging equipment? Do you jog in shallow or deep water? I am fortunate to belong to a place with a heated therapy pool (you stand on the surface, which is level to the floor, and then water comes up as you go down). However, it's only about chest deep (less than 5 feet). Let me know, please!

Congrats on your weight loss! That's great!

New to Team