New --- wanted to say hi! Topic

Just wanted to drop in and say a quick Hello! I'm looking to lose about 20 to 30 pounds. I struggle with the junk food! I gained weight during a depressed state I got in after a divorce back in 2001. 2009 Got pregnant, then got gestational diabetes and lost a ton of weight at the WRONG time! Nevertheless, I lost, but after baby I gained some back and that's what I'm looking to lose. Doc (OB) told me to get off the diabetic diet that the dietitians put me on and start eating. So the last three months of my pregnancy I gained that 20 to 30. He's a year old now and I'm ready to get this weight off and feel better again! I have MyNetDiary on my Android to scan and love it ... but I wanted to sync it here and also join a community for support and motivation.

Looking forward!


Welcome. I'm a newbie too. Encouraging to hear your story. I struggle with being an emotional eater. I have been overweight most of my life. Finally trying to get down to my ideal weight. I have gone to war with my sweet tooth.

Welcome! I only started about two weeks ago and it definitely helps! I lost the same fifty or so pounds like four times. I was successful at keeping it off for about a year here and there but eat when I am stressed. I just finished grad school and had a baby in February. I actually like to exercise because of the feeling afterward. I have exercised consistently for ten years minus both pregnancies. I can just never quite get my eating habit under control. I am doing well so far with tracking it. I am sure I will lose weight I just need to keeping weighing myself regularly. I am hoping that now that I am done with my education I will be able to refocus on my health even with a family. So welcome and thanks for telling your story! Kristen

I so know what you mean about emotional eating. I'm with ya! We can all do this. It's just making that decision to do it and pushing through the hurdles and urges to indulge! Thanks for the welcome!!! :)

I have to way myself constantly too. Once I lose weight I didn't have issues keeping it off the first time, it was after the baby I flopped. I've always been thin, then the divorce blues got to me. Then I lost it ... gained it ... lost it ... gained it one more time and this time I'm am serious about getting it off and keeping it off. But I have to keep weighing in too in order to keep myself in check. I will still treat myself once in a while, but I'll keep that in check too. When I do treat myself, that's when I'm like "screw it ... one day of eating all of these munchies won't hurt" and then two weeks, three weeks later I'm still making excuses. Unless, I'm on that scale!!! Anyway, thank you too for the welcome!!!! :)

Just wanted to say "hi" to the group. This January I decided to start exercise again after a long hiatus and I stepped on the scale to my shock and surprise - I had gained all the weight I had lost twice before. I'm 6 ft and now 205 lb and need to get back to 175 - 30 pound difference! I just checked my blood pressure and it's bad again.

I want to say that I thought I had learned my lesson the second time I lost weight, but when you stop using the scale because you think you have the weight licked, well the weight has a way of sneaking back on you.

I've started heavy weight lifting again (past the sore stage) as well as cardio and walking every day and now I'm adding diet to my weight loss routine. I expect to meet my weight loss goals before the end of this summer and hopefully sooner. This time around I want to gain a lot of muscle and I'll need motivation for keeping the weight off. I hope I NEVER give up healthy living again. (last time it was due to broken wrist via ice skating and family issues)

I need to lose approx 100lb - so I have a long journey ahead of me, but at least I have begun ;)

i need to lose 18kg to get to ideal weight. it will be a hard ride. hoping to find some support as have none at home. it's great reading about everyone and sharing their journeys :)

New --- wanted to say hi!