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Hello everyone...I wanted to introduce myself. I have been heavy my whole life and decided once and for all to lose it. Not only that, but gain control of what I eat and be healthier. I have made a conscience effort since Christmas. I have been eating much better than ever and exercising in a different way. I am doing more lifting and cross fit type of exercise than just doing my time on the elliptical. The problem is, although I have been with in my budget amount the whole time. (except a few days here and there) I haven't seen the scale move at all. I am so frustrated. I was hoping for a few pounds gone by now, but not so. I will keep this up because I believe in changing of lifestyle and not just a diet. I am hoping by joining this group, we can help boost each other up during this journey.

Welcome Bychristmas!

Christmas was about 7 weeks ago, by conservative loss you would be down only 14 pounds. If you haven't lost any in that time I would worry about the intake side or something medical interfering and not so much on the exercise.

I agree with you it has to be about lifestyle change for me this time it it won't last and I will put it back on. I am a pro at that.

I am not really good at eating perfect but I try to use MND to keep me honest and stop when I know I have to. Are you weighing the foods you intake to get accurate calorie counts? Some times folks enter things into the MND system, they will show up in the search with a (contributed) behind them, and often these are inaccurate. A local friend of mine also using MND has trouble remembering to enter his drinks, he loves the sweet tea and it will stop him from losing sometimes.

So far for me this time, it has been about input vs. output, but mostly input.

You sound committed to changing your life and that's the key. Your pretty strong on it too because I feel challenged and want to quit sometimes when I go 5 days without losing a pound. I too hope we can al become smaller people together!

Hey Everyone, it is so cool to have you guys in my group.... I really wanted to make some friends while working on losing weight, because as you know, it can be very difficult to lose weight, especially when you have an constant history of up and down, up and down in weight....I want' to for once break the cycle! Anyways, very happy to have you guys on board!


Glad to have y'all too! I am hoping ya'll can teach me some stuff that you think is helping you lose. Stuff besides meeting our calories and exercising and whatnot. Give me some tips!

I will share in good faith-

I try to have a smoothie once a day. I rotate what I put in it but usually stuff like Greek yogurt, avocado, chia seeds, local honey, bananas, spinach, assorted frozen fruits, and various supplements including a vegetable based protein powder. I usually do it in the morning, sometimes after a walk but sometimes I also walk in the evening and then do it the next morning. It's flexible, I am just trying to get some good stuff in my diet to replace the 10 years of fast food, this seems to work for me. I count it up and keep it around 500 calories and it replaces a meal generally. I base it with water and then drink water with it so it keeps about 6 cups of water in me for a start.

Anyway, I don't know for sure but I feel like it helps and it's no secret, I just stole it from websites and research and the like. I feel skinnier for a little while after having my shake, and that helps too!

Well, of course I went up a couple pounds in weight, I am now 279, I just need to lose 79lbs and I will be thin again, it has been 7.5 years that I have been fat, lol. Anyways, what can I say, you just have to keep trying until you succeed!

Sorry to hear about the gain Shiznik, maybe it was just exchanging muscle for fat? I think it weighs more.

What kind of numbers are ya'll allowed by MND daily. I think my limit is like 2300 calories now, it was higher and slowly drops as you lose I think. Make sure your eating enough, I try to always end within 200 calories of the target. If you starve yourself the loss seems to slow down. I have my bad days but most days I eat what I should.

I am down to 240, from 261 Jan 13th, from my high of 278 last summer. I swear no fat loss pills or anything just following the recommended MND calorie shortage and trying to eat better foods. I try to walk at least two miles 4 times a week and jog when I can still breathe which isn't a whole lot.

It's getting easier though. I think I always have trouble losing weight because I am impatient and this takes so long to do. That's why I thought this group name worked for me, I need it to be slow and consistent, and last this time!

Sorry it took so long to reply to you, but you are an Extremely nice person, and I wish you the best, and I wish myself the best as well, we ALL need support, and NO! it is not easy to lose weight! It is one of the hardest things I have had going against me..... I am going to now really try to be a part of this group, I have been slacking big time, because I was on the wrong road, the road of a downward spiral! Luckily that has changed recently for me, so rock on my friend!

Bychristmas, another 6 weeks have gone by! Has the needle moved, we are hoping for some good news from you, please share if something in particular got that needle to drop.

On another note, glad to hear your Rockin on Brian, give us an update on how much you've dropped!

How are we all doing with our weight loss so far by May? I know that our group hasn't posted much during the last month and I thought it might be nice to keep us all motivated. Just a note, I am down another 9.7 lbs even after going on my Caribbean cruise. I don't know why my weight loss is still going strong during these last 6 weeks. I had a few slow months, but it is starting to pick up again. Maybe it is because the weather is nice again in Washington state and I am out more being active. Total weight loss is 81 lbs now.

Sorry for the quiet spell gents, I hope all is going well for you guys.

Glad to hear things are still moving strongly Spower! That vacation went really well for you, and the lowered stress probably helped you pick up speed.

May Update:
So things have slowed a bit for me, but they haven't stopped. We had the baby three weeks ago now and it has greatly reduced my running schedule ,it's a lot less sleep. Eating and tracking may be a tad worse but aren't much changed, still going ok. I stay around a pound a week in the losing column, but it's steadyish.

Now at 221, which is 40 pounds lost since I started MND in the middle of January. It's a total of 57 pounds down from my high last summer at 278. My goal right now is 200 so I have about 20 pounds to go but I am totally fine if that takes the rest of the year as long as I get there! It does feel great to get this far, I can feel the difference in energy and clothes now more than ever. All my recent jeans and such are a complete loss, good thing it's summer and I can get away with shorts and a Tshirt most all the time. Good problems to have.

At some point I can get back in my running groove and that will help. I also would like to find a local gym and get on some weights as well to add to the muscle confusion. Brian will hopefully chime in with an update and also let us know what kind of weight sets he found most productive. All my workouts like that have just been body weight style like push ups and sit-ups and such. I need to add to that though.

Again, great news Spower, your really hitting it out of the park!

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