Newly diagnosed pre-diabetic feeling overwhelmed Topic
Hi there,
I'm new to the site and was recently diagnosed as pre diabetic, which is interesting in that I am 44 years old, 5' 6" and currently weigh 128 lbs. Although my weight has fluctuated at times, I've never weighed more than 145 lbs., or been at an overweight or obese BMI number, I have given myself a goal of losing 5 lbs., committing to exercising 5 days a week and making permanent dietary changes to prevent having full blown diabetes.
My apparent "healthy" body weight prolonged doctors over the last 10 years from suspecting I might be diabetic, although I experienced many symptoms (low energy, bloating, bacteria overgrowth in my gut, recurrent skin infections, 2 seizures and no improvemention with chronic constipation no matter how much fiber, water and exercise I tried). It was actually a nutritionist I started going to who had me get a metabolic blood panel, and there it was.
I'm curious if any of you experienced similar symptoms or problems being diagnosed? And if you're taking metformin how it's working for you? Any advice for a newbie?
Many thanks for sharing your experience and tips.
Yes, I had the skin infections but not the other symptoms. I had to go on metformin at the start but after going on the LCHF diet I was able to stop this
Hello! I just got this APP today. Newly diagnosed with pre-diabetes after a neurologist ordered a 2 hour glucose test. The second hour showed my glucose had not gone down enough. My usual lab-work always showed my glucose to be normal...around 85 so never suspected this! The reason the test was ordered is for the past two years I have had numbness in my toes which recently has spread to my feet and now legs are involved...neuropathy! I'm 67, have just lost 5 lbs so now weigh 140. Want to lose about 5 more. My goal , besides losing a few pounds is to exercise and have a better diet and not be diabetic or pre-diabetic. I haven't got this app figured out yet. My first question is out of the Dashboard Selections which should I choose? I was thinking the "Low-Carb" or Classic. Any advice?? Also has any one in the group with pre-diabetes been diagnosed with neuropathy?
Books Every Diabetic Should Read
1. "Bright Spots and Landmines: The Book I Wish Someone Had Handed Me", by Adam Brown. DiaTribe website. (Includes many features in color, so don't get the cheap all-black one on Amazon). Chockful of practical information on mindset, food, exercise, and sleep." Very caring. Scientific rationales for practical advice.
2. "Diabetes 911: How to Handle Everyday Emergencies" by Larry Fox, MD, and Sandra Weber, MD. American Diabetes Association, 2009. [Add a copy to your disaster preparation pack.]
3. "Think Like a Pancreas: A Practical Guide to Managing Diabetes with Insulin", by Gary Scheiner. Sample topics: "What's In It for Me Now?"; 3 keys to blood sugar balancing; "Welcome to the Real World".
Pro Tip: Download the first 2 books on Kindle. Highlight what you want to remember. Use Notebook feature to print out highlights, but be aware: feature restricts printout to 10% of book, but doesn't tell you that until you are ready to print. Workaround: If you have more notes, print out your first batch, delete them in the Notebook column, print out next batch, and so on.
Nancy Holloway, RN, MSN (12-year diabetic)
Hello! I am newly diagnosed type 2. I have Lupus and have been on steroids for several years which has probably contributed. Hope to have some friends to share with.
My name is Lucy & I’m new to mnd. I’m having a bit of trouble navigating this app. For instance, how do I find meals/recipes & get started in general ? I greatly appreciate the help.
Newly diagnosed pre-diabetic feeling overwhelmed