Night Time Eater Here! Topic
Hello. It doesn't look like anyone is posting here lately, but I'll post anyway. I do fine during the day, but I get up and eat in the middle of the night. For the past month I've cut the calories down dramatically that I eat at night, but still do about 100-150, which screws up my diet. I also take meds that make me woozy and hungry at night.
replied to Jeank1950
Hi there,
Night time is the worst for me as well. So tired after our toddler is down that we crash on the couch and snack. Trying to break the pattern by going up to bed earlier.
replied to Hope_Bay
I think fatigue is one of the worst culprits, Hope. I try keeping healthy stuff around to snack on, but towards the end of the month I run out of money and end up eating higher calorie stuff in the middle of the night. Not good. It's difficult when there is a child, that's for sure.
replied to Jeank1950
Night eating sucks! Last night woke at 3 am to eat honey!
I was on target till that +200 after dinner and + 200 at 3 am!
Night Time Eater Here!