Not doing so well this week; How about you? Topic

I was really miserable yesterday. After I had my cheat day, I actually completed a full 20h fast and then just had some pork chops for dinner. I knew it wouldn't really be enough, so I even had 3 eggs a bit later and then went into the next fast. About 3h in, it was as if my body was kicking and screaming and my hunger feeling was ravenous. I literally had to end my fast right there. After all, I have to listen to my body, and if it tells me to stop, I better not push through. So I got myself just some more lean protein and I was set for bedtime.

Then I did some deeper research today and I found several red flags which explained everything. So to begin with, I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism (thyroid under function) years ago and I am on thyroid hormones ever since. Then I learned, that ppl with this condition should never go beyond 16h of fasting, to reduce the stress on the body itself. But there was another crucial factor. My fat intake wasn't all too high on that day and in total, I only consumed about 1075 calories in total. Based on MyNetDiary's recommendation, I should have around 4000. I always thought that to be too high and manually set it down to 3500 and stay in that window.

And even with that little extra protein I only had an additional 200 cals, so still far below the official 2000 cals diet recommendations of all those regulatory bodies. So breaking my fast at that moment was the best thing I could have done and now I really have to make sure to at least get my 2000-2500 calories in, before I go into a fast in the future. But this is not a bad thing. You can imagine that even if you eat a large steak or so, you have a lot of calorie budget left. And then you can eat a huge amount of a good & healthy vegetable soup. You will be so stuffed after all that, that you simply feel you can't eat anything for many hours. Which then is the perfect basis for a fasting day where you just feel good throughout the entire time. Protein, fat, vitamins, minerals... all come together.

Wow I am learning so much about fasting. Thank you for listerning to your body and also doing the research to correct the issue.


Where do I find the 80/20 chocolate with Stevia as chocolate is the one thing I cannot quit, lol

I have not heard of dark chocolate combined with stevia. I was just talking stevia in general. In a sense, if you want to use it, then make sure to get the most optimal version of it. You can use stevia for your tea or coffee, use it when you bake, etc. But as with all things, it's better to have it as clean as possible. For example, it will not help you much to buy eggs and the only things they have to advertise it with is, that the chickens were able to run around. It's already better than keeping them in tiny boxes by the hundreds, no doubt. But they still can feed them grains with tons of glyphosate and other chemical stuff like that (antibiotics, etc.), which then goes into your body. I know, a controversial topic, and the opinions differ widely. But if you go for 100% organic, you can feel way safer about the eggs you consumed than just one little slogan they put on the pack to make you buy it.

Another great example would be the ingredient MALTODEXTRIN. By definition, it is a carbohydrate but has an almost identical response as sugar does. Your blood sugar levels rise, you store fat instead of burning it, etc. It is used as a sweetener in many products, and since it is a carb, they don't have to list it as "added sugar" on the label. So they slap "sugar-free" on the product and ppl think this must be a really healthy alternative. When in fact you'd rather have the real sugar instead of this chemical stuff your body will just not enjoy at all.

And here comes the dark chocolate into play. Yes, it's really bitter, and will not be this sweet treat you had in mind, but therefore you'd get other benefits that are good for your body. Can you put stevia on dark chocolate? I guess so. But if you like the taste is something you'd need to find out. Stevia can come as a powder or a liquid. And it's a lot sweeter than sugar (but you probably knew that one already). So adding one or two drops of liquid stevia to a real piece of dark chocolate may do the trick for you.

But ofc, this is only if you want to be really critical with what you consume. If your goal is just to lose a few pounds and don't mind having a donut or a burger from McDonald's every now and then, you really don't need to worry. Just make sure you eat healthy most of the time and only "sin" every now and then. The better your food, the better you feel and the better your quality of life will be, even up to old age.

I know what being really sick because of food feels like. Right now I still could lose 150 pounds and then some. I was at a point where I couldn't go to the bathroom without a cane. I am learning about so much stuff right now because I really felt like either I change or I am dead in 5 years. And I choose life. Death can kiss my tail-lights.^^

Wow, I must be doing something right here. My blood pressure was going down more and more over the last few days. So much even that I had to come off all 3 of my BP meds. When you are around 105/70 you really don't want to lower this any further. Even the heart rate is stable between 70 and 75 on most days. Ofc I'll keep a very close eye on it, but if it remains this low, then I'll slap my doc with the results. I got worse ever since I was on that many meds and each time we brought up maybe reducing the dose or cutting out some it was always a "Nah, better keep taking them". If this remains stable now over, let's say, the coming 2 weeks, it will make the best case to officially cut them out. Since I only get worse with the "help" of my doctors, how about getting better without them!? At least I've worked a bit in the medical field before, so I know what to look out for. And one thing is for sure. I will not get better if I just do as they say. They had more than 5 years to use their approach now. And I am sick of it. Literally.^^

Guys the dark chocolate with Stevia is made by Russell Stover in the candy section. I think it tastes ok, but I more prefer the sugar free (stevia) Russell Stover caramel chocolate.

At Walmart and my Martins too

I love it, great job! I am still on my blood pressure medicine and it is helping to lower it. I was put on it during a stressful time and it was up'd when Rick died two years ago.

My check up this year the doctor said the .1% rise in A1C and other ranges could have been a variance in the test and she is not worried about it as it falls within normal ranges otherwise. I told her I do not eat Pasta and regular sugar and I am careful what fruits I eat in moderation. My diet is almost completely plant-based proteins. Since i got diagnosed with Gastritis Auto-Immune and my other issues my diet has become trickier, so she set me up with a dietician I see next week.

If you are diagnosed separately over the years like I was with hypoglycemia, dermographism (auto immune) and then gastritis autoimmune now they do not see the link between them at first, but now we are seeing how they all affect the other or raise the risk for the other and all my issues are starting to make sense.


Interesting, I am almost completely on the opposite spectrum and focus heavily on meat and dairy. I do have my bowl of salad each day, mainly for the vitamins and minerals, but taste-wise I only care for the tuna and the feta cheese in that.^^

I would not say I am heading straight towards Keto or Carnivore diets, but I lean more towards that side for sure. Completely plant-based would be something I'd consider way too dangerous for myself but to each their own. I think, if it makes you feel better, then you're on the right path either way.

I'm still off all my BP meds and now it's about 10 days and counting. I had 2 days where it spiked a little bit, but the readings are still within an acceptable range and most days I have dream results. I can't wait to smash the overview on my doctor's desk at some point and see the reaction. I got worse by the month since I took them and after a few years, I asked several times if we maybe can reduce the dosage or so. But each time I was dismissed and was told to continue. Now with results like this, I have a very strong case and I'll even go that far to say, that my doctors are quacks. All of them. They had 25 years to make me better and all their advice was useless. Now I am doing the OPPOSITE of what they recommend and out of a sudden, I get better on every level. So they can take their guidelines and recommendations and stick them where the sun doesn't shine, hehe. I will take charge of my own health now and I already feel like reborn.

Sure, the damage of years will not be undone in just a few weeks, but I feel my body is finally recovering. I almost forgot what it feels like to feel better instead of worse. And it's amazing to feel the change going on.

I have learned over the years to consult a trusted doctor, but listen to your body and make suggestions to them. You know your body best and everyone is different.

For instance my sweet doctor got a promotion and is still with the system, but not with my doctors office. I miss her so much as she was open to natural remedies. The new doctor they put me with is wound tight and when I told her I would use Omega 3 to lower my cholesterol as it always works she said, "There is no evidence that Omega 3 actually works" I know now at age 50 when someone is closed-minded you cannot change their minds. There actually is substantial evidence from studys that Omega 3 is good for loweing bad cholesterol and even raising good cholesterol. I just said to her that I will not take prescription medicines for something Omega 3 works for both myself and my friends every time. I also told her I understand as with all things what may work for some, may not work for others. Literally every time I get the higher reading and take it for a month all is well on the new tests in a month. That is no coincidence. Luckily she told me she wasn't worried about the small amount it was raised, because if she ever pushes me to take chemical meds over natural that are working I will find a new doctor.

I am seeing a nutritionist on the 4th who will help me find a decent balance of foods that will help all my conditions. I know one thing for sure is I am lactose intolerant, but love cheese. I need to stay away from cheese as it creates havoc in my system.

When your tummy gets upset it often creates fluids which of course are added weight.

I am glad you have found out what works for you. You are doing amazing!


Not doing so well this week; How about you?