Not doing so well this week; How about you? Topic

I went to an old coal town in the mountains to get away. It was nice and peaceful. The place stands still in time including the cooking. Lots of homemade Amish food. Lots of calories. I need to get back in the weightloss mode.

I need to do the same thing- get away and find some peace! Nature can certainly do that. Perhaps I’ll find the time to get out for a bit this weekend. That Amish food sounds Devine! We have to indulge from time to time, you’re getting back on track now. That’s what matters!

Yeah I have just become serious again about this whole weight loss journey. I am adding my calories and exercise (even when small) and mindful of what I am eating again.

Hi all. I'm on the 3rd day of my fasting journey and right now I'm about 18h in without food and basically only water and a cup of tea after getting up. Soon I'll have a little bit of food again (maybe a few eggs, some sausage, no carbs). But I must say, I'm feeling a lot better each day. This is magic. I haven't felt that good in years.

Great job! Fasting is not easy. I downloaded an app and tried it. Every now and then I will spend half the day drinking a special detox or cleansing smoothies, but mostly I just count calories and exercise when I can.

Thx. Actually, it's pretty easy to manage. All you need is a good foundation before you go into the fast. High protein, good healthy fats, and very few carbs. The protein and fat will make sure you won't even get hungry in between. You can easily go 6-8h after your dinner, then you sleep another 8h, push breakfast back for 2 more (I was never a breakfast eater and simply don't like to eat after waking up), and you're in for 16-18h. Today I had so much energy as a result. Even after doing exercise, I was in the mindset of: what is next??? I expected it to be tough as nails, but the way it makes my mood shift to the positive, the way how much energy my body suddenly gained from it. I'm loving it so far. But I still got a long way to go.

Pretty good. I've lost 2 pounds in 2 days! I walk a lot during the day, so on Mon. I consumed 2,443 calories but burned 852 of them. On Tue. I consumed 1,210 but burned 446 of them, and today (Wed.) I consumed 1,703 but burned 755 of them.

That sounds great! On my end, it's almost the complete opposite. I allow myself one cheat day per week, where I break the fasting cycle (if needed) and enjoy one meal with foods I forbid myself from having the rest of the week. And I have only started about a week ago. Yesterday we ordered a pizza and heck, my body punished me hard for that. I would have never expected my body to react that strongly after having a higher amount of carbs again.

And I was really used to carbs in my diet before. But just cutting them down to around 100 per day and instead going high protein and high fat made me feel so much better. Then going back to a previously "normal" carb load had immediate side effects. Strange digestion with having to go to the bathroom more often (and let's say not really enjoying my time there), slight heartburn, and on top, the edema in my left foot flaring up like crazy. Wow...

I went straight back to fasting and now after around 16h into the fast, I feel much better again. It's crazy how fast these things can influence us.

Nice job everyone. Thank you for sharing your weight loss ideas and how you give yourself cheat days. I used to only do the diet breakfast and lunch then have a regular dinner. Back then I was teaching so I was on my feet all day and my mind was busy. Now I work from home so it is a little trickier, but I found removing most of the sugar and pasta has helped a lot. I am a huge fan of chocolate so I went sugar-free chocolate (stevia in it) and that helped curb some of my cravings. Russell Stover does an amazing job and even Reeses has a zero sugar which is good, but they are minis.

I agree. Stevia can be a very powerful tool. And the best thing about it is, that it's completely natural. One could argue though, that if you have it as content in chocolate, it can be a little tricky since it will be hard to trace if the Stevia has not been combined with other ingredients. If you want to be on the safe side, then you could also look into dark chocolate with an 80/20% ratio. In this case, you even get the health benefits as compared to just having a "treat in-between". I use Stevia mainly for my Double Spice Chai tea and made sure to get a Stevia that is non-GMO. It even goes as far as being Keto approved, and even though I am not doing Keto, it might be more focused on the health benefits instead of being used by companies who just want to jump on the health movement because they notice they can make a lot of money now with it. Better safe than sorry, I guess.

Not doing so well this week; How about you?