Not getting enough activity Topic

I’ve been in a flare for weeks. The weather has not helped. Between pain and exhaustion I am not getting much done around the house. I’m losing weight slowly which is good, every pound helps when it comes to movement. Some days I can barely get out of bed. I will be happy when it warms up.

Is anyone else struggling getting movement into their day? Are there things that work to help you?

Have a few health problems here that are mostly weight related. So my first question is does anyone really follow the groups? Most of the ones haven't been posted in ages.

I cannot move easily at all. I get tired of people looking at me and saying I am lazy and fat. I hurt so bad, I just want to curl into a fetus position and cry. I go to the dr and they want to worry about my weight, I understand this would help, but I need help with my health too.

I can't even grocery shop anymore, I refuse to use the electronic carts because I know people talk about those people and say things that aren't true, like they are just too fat or too lazy. I can't handle that. My anxiety and depression are on over drive anyway.

I do work, but my job is a sitting at a desk all day on computer. Not too much physical activity there. I do work with teenagers, so the stress is major high. I work on 3rd floor so when we have a fire drill I am expected to go down and back up all those stairs. When I started the job 4 years ago, I could. I was way out of shape and felt like I was going to die, but now I almost cry and I feel awful for having to take so long to come back up. it's awful and it's embarrassing. We do these every month.

I did buy a little contraption that you peddle like a bike, it goes under your desk to keep legs moving. It makes my legs so tired, but I am trying to keep the swelling down that I get due to not movie much. I found this on Amazon for around $50. I don't use very often like I should but I am going to try to be more active with it. Build at least my leg muscles back .

I just started today. I am glad this one popped up. I have fibro, Sjorgren's disease and Lupus like symptoms that they are trying to determine is the case. I have A fib, I am prediabetic, and I have Interstitial cystitis. I have major depress and anxiety too and it causes me to give up and not want to work on myself, but yet my illnesses and weight are all causes of it too.
I am ready to have others who are in the same situation to vent to or listen to others who need to vent.

The hamster wheel effect. It's never ending. I want to lose weight and be active again. The fibro pain makes it so hard to do anything. It takes me 6 days to clean the house. By then it needs it again. I can't work anymore because of the pain and chronic exhaustion. . The last month I've been up and down the same 5lbs. I'm 3lbs up from my low last year. I often just want to quit. I have to push thru. I want this. I deserve this. It takes time and effort. I refuse to give up on myself.

I have fibro and arthritis as well as other problems also.
I have pain with both but i'm not to the pain point like you are.
The arthritis make knees hurt and stiff.
I make myself move. I feel the pain but I want the weight loss not the pain.
For ever 15 minutes of doing something, up and moving, sitting and using your legs if I lose at least one calorie then I have gained a piece of my goal. Granted it isn't hardly anything but the point is you moved and lost something.
Get up and walk to your TV or to a window on the other side of the room rest a minute if you need to then walk back. Do that once an hour.
You're moving. You're pushing through the pain.
Someone told me that sitting gets you everywhere. Everywhere your body does not want to be. The stiffness, the pain, the weight gain, how far down you put yourself.
You know this I'm sure but each added pound puts more stress on your joints. Then your joints hurt more and more. If you can't move much now your will if you just keep trying everyday. Not once or twice then give up. Like I said at least once an hour.
I don't know what your goals are but I have to lose 67 pounds. It's hard but I have managed to lose 12 pounds in about 9 months. Sure I blow it and gain a couple pounds back but I just on the horse again. You can do this just keep trying everyday.
We're all here for something. Lose weight, vent, cry, life each other up, etc.
I want to hear what you sound like when you lose just one pound.
You can do it.

I understand how that feels. I have often thought the same thing. It hurts when people do that. Through the years I have developed a "so what and don't care" attitude. That applies to people who are mean to me and others. Granted it isn't the best attitude to have but I guess I use it as a shield. I have to lose 67 pounds. Then I got to 70 and 75 pounds. In the mirror I only looked at myself from my neck up. My husband covered the bottom half of the mirror for me. Do you have a rock? Someone that is and can be there for you when you need them most? Share the ups and downs. The things not to do, put yourself down, make excuses for yourself, feel sorry for yourself. Do the opposite of those. I know physical pain. When I feel like just a blob on the couch, that pain is right there to remind me that I'm not a blob and that pain is there to let me know it too. In a weird way that pain got to be my friend. It tells me everyday that I am a person with problems. Not one problem but many. It tells me that some of that pain will go away and some will just get better. It tells me that I can do it when I think I can't.
If I just don't feel like or want to get up and move it tells me to do it anyway because it's going to hurt worse if I don't. You an add to that or not if you want.
I have health issues to. Fibro, arthritis, bipolar, PTSD, etc. I don't know what your goals are but that pain tells me that I'm going to do the things I have to do or that pain, physical as well as mental will get worse as time goes.
You work and you have stairs. I get hating the stairs. SO, when you are at your desk use your pedal thing for the recommended time at least 3-4 times a day.
When you are at home, march in place and do maybe 10 steps per leg. Get them high as you can. Hold on to a chair or something if you have to but let the pain tell you to do it. If 10 is too many to start the go for a number that you are comfortable with. Do that for 2-3 days. Then add 2 more steps for a few days and so on. As time goes you should be able to lift your legs a little higher. Weekends would work better then do those. Do those a few times a day. You have to make yourself move but not making yourself move you're are letting yourself get worse and worse. Don't do that. You have the strength to do this in your mind so now put it to work in your body. Later come back and let us know your progress, the same, is better, or is worse. Please try.

Not getting enough activity