Not Letting This "Knee-thing" Slow Me Down (Figuratively) Topic

So, my knee does have a fracture. Finanlly got in to see my primary care physician after being on crutches for two weeks. I told her at the end of September, during my telephone appt (not my choice the medical center lost power), it did not feel right and was still swollen and after examining my knees over a week later she sent me for a second set of x-rays on the right knee.. (I think she is beginning to believe me when I tell her things.) The x-rays showed there is a fracture (maybe it did not show up on the ER x-rays, or maybe they missed it). She sent it to ortho and they confirmed it is a fracture but said there is nothing that can be done about it. They compared it to a broken toe. It just needs time to heal on its own. I am so bummed. It has been two weeks since I have been able to take a walk (before this I was walking 45-90 minutes a day) and I know it is slowing down my progress. Good news is a I did lose a pound this week with no exercise. I am going to have to be diligent about my nutrition and lifting weights for my upper body. I can see my blood glucose numbers creeping up and that is what is most concerning.

Overall, my doctor is pleased with the progress I have made but I have to keep it going. I was so excited that my BMI has dropped below the 40s. However, she informed me that I am still considered morbidly obese until it gets below 35. That is another 24 pounds. Totally deflated me... but she is giving me an extra month before she repeats my Ha1c & lipid panel. That was very good news.

Any suggestions you all have for low calorie/low carb foods that will help lower cholesterol would be greatly appreciated.

Not Letting This "Knee-thing" Slow Me Down (Figuratively)