Not losing weight! Topic

Hi there everyone,
I'm new to this, so not sure how this works, I have pro on the phone but not on the computer, so hope this goes thru! Anyway, I've been on a very low diet, 600-800 calories a day, I know this should be higher but REALLY wanted to lose 5 more lbs before Christmas, everyone there is so thin! I will go back to a more normal diet after that, but I was losing about a lb a day or every 2nd to 3rd day, then kerplunk- nothing! I thought maybe my body thought it was in a starvation mode, so upped the calories & of course gained weight! I even started walking, was very sedentary, so new to me. Any ideas are appreciated. REALLY wanna lose in just 4 more days! Then back to a normal diet.
Thanks, Kim

Not losing weight!