November 2011 Topic

Yes, a new month! How is everyone doing? My guess is that this team is in hibernation. That is okay, but I am happy to answer questions or chat whenever you all feel like it.

Only 10 more lbs to go to reach my goal, I hope I can hit it by Christmas.

Wow - good for you! 10 lbs in 7 weeks - that is a reasonable and safe goal but a little tough during the holidays. If you feel inspired to do it, then stick with it. But I typically recommend a "maintain don't gain" strategy for the holiday season so folks can enjoy themselves.

Kathy Isacks, MPS, RD

Hope you all are doing well. I am hoping the quiet on this team is a good thing and not a bad thing! :) Kathy

Hi Sune - are you going to try the beta version of our Diabetes Tracker? That would be cool.

Didn't see your post, I've been a bit absent from the forums lately, but I'd like to try it. I posted in the thread about it :)

Yay - I saw your post. How's it going these days?

November 2011