Paleo or AIP Topics

Describe the group and its goals here. 1.Sharing tips and strategies to maintain Paleo lifestyle and loose weight 2. Community and support 3. Diet choices

Weight Loss Progress

4 members lost no weight within last week, 1.2lbs within last month, total loss is 48.6lbs.

My AIP and why 1 messages

Last message on 11/29/21 by TallyN: I've noticed that when I am not AIP compliant my whole body feels weak, tired and achy. Thank you for setting up this group. I am starting tracking today and am setting up a first stage to lose 20 pounds. Meals will likely be mostly vegetables with...

AIP Compliance gives me more energy 1 messages

Last message on 11/29/21 by TallyN: I've noticed that when I am not AIP compliant my whole body feels weak, tired and achy. Thank you for setting up this group. I am starting tracking today and am setting up a first stage to lose 20 pounds. Meals will likely be mostly vegetables with...

Paleo lifestyle 1 messages

Last message on 08/23/21 by Carey: Which diet have you choose? Sad to see they no longer support paleo

Paleo or AIP. Describe the group and its goals here. 1.Sharing tips and strategies to maintain Paleo lifestyle and loose weight 2. Community and support 3. Diet choices