Progress Topic

I have had breakfast and lunch and have 1800 calories left. Should be a good day.

Yes! Sounds like you are off to a good start! I just logged my food for breakfast and lunch. We can do this! 56 days to go! Stay strong 💪🏻💪🏻

Great job logging everyday!!! You are doing great!!!

Thanks. Im trying. Well done on you also.

Thanks, Bub!!! Also, thank you for doing this with me. It is so helpful to me!

You are welcome. it is very helpful to me also.

We are a great team! Tell Brenda I said great job exercising every day!!! Looks like she is doing great as well!

Awesome day for me so far. I have noticed that i am way over in sodium. Gonna have to throw away the baked spaghetti. Its killing me. Anyway i just had supper and still have 700 calories if i want to snack later tonight. Good luck

That’s great, Bub!!! Good idea on the spaghetti! If you want to give spaghetti squash a try, it’s pretty good and is super healthy. I haven’t exercised yet. I’m going to have a salad for dinner since I only have about 500 calories left. I made a simple delicious chicken Parmesan dish today. It was awesome and helped me get my protein up!

Awesome Shelly. Im done for the day. Still need to exercise which im getting ready to do. it is hot as hell in the house and perfect for a good sweat.
