Progress Updates Topic

I am down to my final ~35lbs, and it has been going sloooow. It is no longer like when I started my journey with pounds stripping off each day, now it is around 2-4oz a day. So I still have a long slow journey to my goal, but I know I will meet it. I have for the most part stopped the daily weigh-ins since that caused discouragement, and typically weigh in about every 2-3 days. Hope everyone is doing well in working towards their goals.

That's great Csfergu! Progress is progress, I know the day will come when I slow down too. I had a slow month, lots of travel and celebrating. I held steady, but since things have calmed down I'm back on pace. Tomorrow is month 8 for me and I'm down 65lbs. I've got 7.3 lbs until my halfway mark.

Awesome! Keep it up, halfway mark is a great milestone so congrats when you get there. :)

Lost focus for about a month, but maintained my weight. Time to get back on track with my loss goals!!!

Hey it's better than gaining! I've had a lot of travel which has slowed my progress but I'm still on track outside of that.

You can do it Csfergu!

I have still been on the level of maintaining which is great, but trying hard to get back to dropping weight again. With the holidays done, it will hopefully be easier now.

Yeah, the holiday. Between Christmas, celebrating my partners birthday and new years I didn't make a lot of progress in the last month.

I've really gotten back on track though.

Again, maintaining is fantastic even if you haven't made the goal yet. Good luck knocking the last bit out!

Good to see you are back on track too. Good Luck.

I've lost 90lbs now, two thirds of my way to goal.

Awesome!!!! Keep it up. Good Job.

Progress Updates