Question about Fitbit Calories and Maintenance Calories Topic

Lose, and I've never added the calories back mostly because, even with a tracker, I don't trust the number.

Thanks for the response!

I just wanted to add, there have been several times I have logged my calories and dipped into those burned within moderate cardio, and I still lose weight, so that’s where the quality of the calories comes into hand for me personally.

Listening to our bodies and being honest with our hunger matters. My point is, if you’re feeling hungry truly hungry then eating an extra bit might be what you need. (Noting that’s not what your question was.)


I sort of cycle some days I’m at my max, while others I’m under by a hundred or so. And when I work out or do cardio, I more often than not dip into calories burned in my cardio only.

Sounds like what you do is working for you, Lucy! Great.

Thank you! Yes, I’ve a way to go and it’s a process worth the time, I already feel so much better though. The right foods make all the difference. Thanks again :)

Ok, another probably stupid question:

How come in my weekly analysis, when using my fitbit, it takes the calories consumed for the week and subtracts the fitbit calorie "burn" to come up with a negative number but if I were to NOT use my fitbit and manually enter calories "burned" it ADDS those calories for a "weekly gain"?

Example for the past 7 days:
On average, you consumed daily about 1,546 cals and burned 346 cals with exercise.
1,546 cals from food - 1,928 cals expended per Fitbit = -382 total weekly cals gain

But before I had my fitbit and entered manually this is what it would compute:

On average, you consumed daily about 1,155 cals and burned 196 cals with exercise.
Compared to your personalized Weight Maintenance Calories, these averages result in:
518 less cals than personalized DRI 1,673 + 196 average burn with activities = 714 average total daily Calories loss.

I guess I'm not understanding how the system is computing the amounts, especially the fact that it's saying negative calories "gained".

Hi Justjennie,

There are many ways to say the same thing and each system has a different way calculating and explaining calories in and out. Fitbit uses steps so that is one difference between fitbit and manually entering your exercise.

My advice would be to use one system that makes the most sense to you and stick with it so you don't get confused.

Perhaps reading MyNetDiary's article on calories would help and then just staying with one approach might be easier:

Hope this helps simplify the topic for you! Brenda (Dietitian)

Thanks. It just seemed confusing to me. I will rely on my fitbit.

Thanks again!

Justjennie - if we don’t ask, then we don’t know. Keep up the determination to be healthy and happy on this journey. I have a good 45 ahead of me and I’m grateful for the posts here from others on a similar journey as mine. Hope your day was happy and productive.

Indeed. I have to say I am a bit addicted to my Fitbit now. LOL

Question about Fitbit Calories and Maintenance Calories