Realistic goals Topic

I have done this up and down weight loss yo-yo for awhile. I decided this set realistic goals. We all want to be thin and have that bikini body, but is it realistic? Maybe for some, for me, I'm curvy and to just get some of this fat off my body would be a realistic goal for me. I lose weight slow and realize that to expect myself to have that bikini body is unrealistic. what is realistic is dropping some weight so I feel better. Once that is achieved, maintained than I can look at my next goal. Goals are great, but I think sometimes we set unrealistic ones. So this girl, is starting out realizing i'm curvy and I always will be, but being healthy....well that is my goal!

I can relate to this. I have never been skinny, I have been very fit as I did a lot of sports in my youth, but never skinny. I don’t think skinny equals healthy either. But I definitely want to “not wobble” when I jump or run or ...breathe ??

Realistic goals