Remove favorites Topic

The favorites list gets longer every day. Nothing drops off. It includes foods from every meal in every list. I'd like a way to manually remove any that don't automatically get dropped so the list isn't so long.

If you log on via the web, click the "Food" tab, then the star at the top ("My Foods"), then click the resulting "Favorites" tab. You will see everything you have marked as a favorite. Then click on the ":" (three dots vertically) menu to the far right next to the one you don't want there anymore and remove it.

That said, "Favorites" seems to require positive action to add something to. Maybe you are actually thinking of "My Frequent Foods", which automatically grows as you add foods to your diary (but not as you add foods to recipes, which is somewhat frustrating for those of us who use recipes often). Same process there: find the food you want to remove, click the three-dots/ellipses-on-its-side button to the right, and this time select "Remove from Search History".

Remove favorites