Replacing Food as Reward - Advice Topic

I am in a culture where food is used as a rewards system. The class does well? Pizza party! Your family is getting together? Pizza! Ice cream! You got a promotion at work? ...More food. One of the issues with that is it's now part of my behavior. I lose 10lbs? McDonalds! Okay, well then I just regain the weight back by rewarding myself so much! I know this seems like a silly problem. I do not want to use food as a reward. I want to try and rethink food as a means of necessity - fuel. But this in itself is a challenge, and I think one way I could succeed more is to change the way I think about food. So, what are other ways I can reward myself and encourage myself to keep going - even for a weight loss as small as 5 or 10lbs? How can I help move along with change of my idea about food and what it means to me?

How about celebrating by going to a movie, getting a manicure or pedicure, going for a nature walk with a friend, or buying yourself a new shirt or something that you might use in the kitchen at home to make your own food (for example cheese making kit, jam making kit)? You might also consider signing up for a class that you think you might enjoy as a reward such as a paint night, or musical theatre night, or a play. It’s coming to be the fall, maybe get together with some of your more supportive friends and do a corn maze, hay ride, or go apple picking!
Food can be a part of your life though. One just needs to plan for those sneaky calories…however, cooking at home will reduce a lot of calories as well. Fast food, processed food, and sugary items can pack a real punch when it comes down to it. Have you tried frozen blueberries? Delicious! Fruit has natural sugars and can be a great snack when hungry.
If one can try to get as close to whole and unprocessed foods as possible that’s going to be the best for you and your health.
I hope some of the above was helpful. Good luck to you in your journey, take it slow and be patient with yourself; it will come in time.

Hi there EMS-
Welcome to MyNetDiary! You are not alone when it comes to rewards=food. This can be very challenging!

BekahMay had some great ideas. Which ones might you try?
This article offers some additional ways to reward your progress outside of food:
Please keep us posted! Joanna (MyNetDiary Dietitian)

Replacing Food as Reward - Advice