Request: Copy meal to unlike meal type Topic

I sometimes have leftovers from lunch for dinner, or vice-versa. But when I try to copy today's lunch to today's dinner, the items are duplicated under today's lunch. I have to either go into dinner and search for the foods again, or I have to let them duplicate under lunch and then move them to dinner one by one.

It would be really great if I could copy today's lunch to today's dinner, today's dinner to tomorrow's lunch, etc. Under the Recents tab I can see all of my recent meals. I don't understand why it won't copy to the meal I started from.

I did a forum search and I can't see that this has been addressed anywhere.

Thanks for considering this request.

Go to your lunch items. Swipe left and it will allow you to check all items to copy. Select "copy" at bottom of screen and then you can select the meal and date to add it to. If you are still having issues, please reach out to the support team at

Hope this helps! Brenda (MyNetDiary Dietitian)

Ok. There's another way to do it. But this still doesn't answer my request, which is to allow recent meals to be copied to a different meal type. I really wish you would consider this.


When you swipe left on one item, you can select "all" and it will copy the whole meal to the same or a different date and gives the option to select a different meal type. I believe this is what you are requesting. Brenda (MyNetDiary Dietitian)

Request: Copy meal to unlike meal type