Restless legs after workout step up Topic

Sometimes I struggle to sleep for a couple of days because I have restless legs. It always coincides with a step change in my body/workouts, e.g. a harder run or increasing the intensity of a glute workout. I feel ready to move up the levels and it comes naturally, then my body seems to have a meltdown and ask what on earth I did to it.

I previously experienced it a few times when training with a physiotherapist so I know it's not a medical concern, more that it leaves me grumpy from not sleeping. I can expect a few more instances of this at the (re)start of my fitness journey.

If anybody else experiences similar, have you found a way to ease off/prevent the restless feeling?

i stretch my legs before going to bed or use those muscle shock things
it helps a lot

Restless legs after workout step up