Shall we introduce ourselves? Topic

Sassy, I am with you on the long haul time frame - my current "target" date per the app is next June! But I figure if I can stick with it over that time span, I will hopefully make some new habits!

I struggle with consistently working out. I love to be outdoors, and used to run alot until I injured my knee about 6 years ago. I am currently shooting for walking daily, but I hope to up my game as I go.

Hello all my name is Kate and I am at that unforgiving age of 46 when it comes to metabolism. I am hoping to lose about 30lb. Always struggled with my weight from being well under to now well over. I was generally pretty active but an injury which occurred last year and resulted in surgery put a stop to it, but I didn't adjust my eating to reflect.
Never really check into a group before so I am hoping the accountability and support both ways keeps me on track for a change.

Hi everyone! Loved reading the intro messages and confirming this is a nice small but active group! I did Noom in 2018 and loved the group feature for accountability and just the feeling of solidarity. Trying MyNetDiary now because I need to focus on macros more this time. I am a wannabe/mostly vegetarian so I struggle with getting enough protein and feeling full. I also have high cholesterol so need to work on that. I'm 45, married, no kids, two dogs and two cats. My husband is the cook in our house and he's supportive of my goals, but also tends to make more calorie-rich meals than I would prefer. My favorite exercise is dance fitness (Zumba, SHiNE) and dog walking. I love yoga but don't consider it "exercise" necessarily. 😊 Looking forward to getting to know you all as we support one another on our journeys!

Hey I am a veggie and have been for 28 yrs. I find Quorn and lentils as a good source of protein. It helps to mix the texture up as well going between both.

Does anyone know if the group/community can be accessed from the app, and if so, how/where on the app? I would love to get notifications of posts etc.

I haven't worked out how to get notifications for group post yet but you can access via the app. If you select social at the bottom and then scroll down you should see the a section that says 'My Groups'. It then states if there have been recent posts.

Thanks! Are you iPhone or Android? I'm Android and I don't have that option under Social - it only shows me the Facebook, insta, Twitter, and reddit links.

I've got iPhone, soz can't help. I am also using it on my PC as find it easier to check in on the charts etc.

Hey all! I'm Michelle and I am 43. I am doing a calorie deficit and it's been going really well. I had lost 30 pounds previously (Started at 230) and have plateaued for the last 6 months and am finally moving down the scale again. I hit 194 last week which was exciting to see. My goal is to hit 147.

Hey Michelle, it certainly does seem to be working for you. Out of interest how did you find that 6 months I always struggle once I hit a plateau and have to be careful not to fall back in to old habits? Happy for you that you are on the move again ;)

Shall we introduce ourselves?