Show raw calories burned in dashboard Topic

I've been on & off MND for quite a few years. I feel like I understand it pretty well. However, challenge I have now is that I'm interested in seeing "total calories burned" in MND dashboard. Source of data is typically garmin connect and the whole numbers come in properly. But they get "interpreted" somehow (bmr - exercise = net burn I think.) I'm not really interested in that. I'd just like to see how many calories I'm burning in exercise every day. I'm struggling to figure out how to make that show up on my dashboard. Any help or suggestions?

Hi U1945296- Welcome back to MyNetDiary! I am going to get our support team involved here. I have passed along your question. Thanks for reaching out! We will get back with you. Best, Joanna (MyNetDiary Dietitian)

My Withings watch estimates resting bar as about 1550 for me but MND sets my BMR as over 2000 why?

Hello U1945296- I heard back from support. Basically they said to look in the exercise section to see just the extra calories burned from activity.

Here is support's complete response:
While linking to Garmin Connect, the user has to see the "total
calories burned" in the "Health" section of our Dashboard webpage.

MyNetDiary Exercise section is a place for "extra" caloric
expenditure, not for the total burned calories. Thus, reducing Total
Burned Calories from Garmin Connect by MyNetDiary Weight Maintenance
value. Then, the value MyNetDiary receives, we use to calculate day
energy balance.

MyNetDiary Exercise section shows Garmin Total Calorie Burned in the
Notes of the exercise record.

Here are the articles about Garmin Exercise:
If you continue to run into roadblocks we can get you in touch with our support team and they'll provide further assistance. Best, Joanna (MyNetDiary Dietitian)

Show raw calories burned in dashboard