MyNetDiary Person: Slimmersal



Weight chart

Weight Plan

  • Start weight: 201lbs on 01/01/17
  • Current weight: 186lbs
  • Weight loss wanted: about 36lb
  • Timeframe:
  • Lost so far: about 15lb

About me

Current goal: To get back to my healthy happy weight!
Favorite diets: The I love myself Diet, when everything's going right and you naturally work off more than you're taking in :) with loads of water and a few lemons to dispel the monotony!
Favorite activities: Walking, hiking, swimming
Need help with: Cravings
Geographic area: Northern California
More info: I want to stop self-medicating with food and have the body God intended me to have instead of letting my brain tell me I always need to feel full to be happy.