MyNetDiary Person: Slothmom

Weight chart

Weight Plan

  • Start weight: 191.6lbs on 04/08/23
  • Current weight: 188.8lbs
  • Weight loss wanted: about 58.8lb
  • Timeframe: 8 months and 28 days
  • Lost so far: about 2.8lb

About me

Current goal: Losing weight to get off the diabetes train
Favorite diets: Mediterranean and low carb.
Favorite activities: Walking, hiking and watching movies
Need help with: Diabetes carbs and weight loss motivation
Geographic area: Bay Area
More info: I’m such a sloth. I used to be active when I was younger but work, school, kids and life have turned me into a sloth. I’ve wasted 23 years trying to get of baby weight, so I need help.