MyNetDiary Person: Spower



Weight chart

Weight Plan

  • Start weight: 320lbs on 05/05/15
  • Current weight: 318.9lbs
  • Weight loss wanted: about 83.9lb
  • Timeframe: 11 days
  • Lost so far: about 1.1lb

About me

Current goal: get down to 20% bodyfat, whatever weight that may be. Started out at 320 pounds on May 5th, 2015. As of now July 4th, 2016 I am at 232 pounds. Bodyfat % is 25% currently. This is done by measurement process. Some of my measurements are posted here.
Favorite diets: I did atkins for a while and tried Weighwatchers (gained weight on it). Now I have a dietitian and use this program to monitor my caloric intake
Favorite activities: mountain biking and hiking. I don't chart my exercise unless it is over what I normally do.
Geographic area: NorthWest Seattle area, but not in Seattle