Starting over...again Topic
I've lost count of the number of times I've started to diet and after making progress after a month or two somehow get derailed and loose my motivation. Of course, then I undo any progress I've made. I'm 62 years old and need to loose 50 lbs. to get to a recommended body weight for my height. I realize this means a lifetime commitment to a healthy lifestyle, but I'm afraid that I'll fall off the bandwagon again. Inviting anyone who has been successful at losing a large amount of weight and keeping it off for years weigh in to this conversation (yep, pun intended) and share your secret sauce for long term success.
replied to GoGoGranny
Hi GoGoGranny, welcome to MyNetDiary! Glad you joined our team. Make your first weight loss goal reasonable and attainable. I just wrote a blog post on this very issue:
Then, read this tips post - there are lots of great links that will help you on your journey:
Katherine Isacks, MPS, RDN, CDE
Team leader
There's a new 12-week weight loss program starting at my local Y, so I decided to sign up. It's run by a licensed dietician and certified fitness trainer. I'm hoping that will keep my accountable and motivated. I'll let you know how I'm doing. For Christmas my hubby got me a Polar A 300 watch/activity tracker that links to my heart rate monitor and a companion app on my phone. So I've been using that to track my workouts and learn if I'm in the fat-burning or fitness building zone.
I've lost 2.5 lbs this week. So I hope I can keep the momentum going.
replied to GoGoGranny
That sounds great, GoGoGranny! Use all of the tools you think will support your weight loss effort! I think using MyNetDiary along with a structured program is a great idea! And great to hear you use a Polar A 300 watch!
Hi, enjoyed your post, and good for you. I just joined this group after reading your message. I'm 60 and also need to lose 50 pounds. I have also fallen off the wagon many times - when I say I am going to follow through this time no one believes me, so I am joining an online team to keep motivated. Just starting today and want to use all the tracker tools and see some results this time. Shar
replied to U5951580
Hi Shar (U5951580), so glad you joined our team! Take it one day at a time. If you are new to MyNetDiary, I recommend reading this blog post for great tips:
And welcome!
Thanks, lots of information to read. I've found my 7% goal weight and know what my BMI is right now. That should take me about 3 months. I'll have to read the rest later. What the best tip if you are hungry? I've decided to follow the Dr. Oz Day Off diet to begin with because it looks simple, and easy to follow. I'll track and see if it works for me.
replied to U5951580
I wrote a blog post to address feeling fuller on fewer calories:
Brief summary:
Here are 4 easy tips to help you feel full on fewer calories:
Eat enough protein.
Eat enough non-starchy veggies.
Eat enough fruit.
Avoid drinking calories.
Let me know if those tips help. The blog post gives more detail.
Starting over...again