struggling Topic

I'm constantly obsessed with eating and feeling moderately hungry. This is despite going over my calorie limit, eating minimally processed, high fiber, high protein, moderate fat, with a few treats throughout the day to not be deprived.

I'm weight training but have backed off a bit as I'm having a busy period. I think I might be gaining weight, so I dont think it's a matter of not eating enough?

Not sure what to do, distraction isn't helping and I'd prefer not to gain weight, : (

I have the same thing. About every 3-4 days, I am entirely too “hungry” and I eat way more than I should. The only thing I remind myself is I know that I’m eating enough! Then I treat that voice like a petulant child and ignore it.

If I eat any carbs in the morning, I’m hungry all day. 10 am I eat can of tuna, salmon filet, or grilled chicken. This helps my craving/hunger for the rest of the day

Hi there Turducken- Sorry to hear you've hit a rough patch with your appetite. Feeling hungry can make it challenging to stay close to your targets. Hopefully taking a break from the scale (you mentioned you think you may be gaining weight, though are hoping not to have gained) makes sense. Instead of looking at the scale, might you try focusing on other measures of success such as:
1. Are your weight workouts getting a bit easier?
2. Do you find you have more energy after you lift weights?
3. Eating a whole-food high-fiber diet is awesome. That's a reason to celebrate! Might you track how many servings of veggies and fruits you are eating each day using a custom tracker in the app?
In addition, this article may give some other ideas of ways to measure success besides the scale:
2. As for managing hunger: Small, calorie-controlled snacks may take the edge off any nagging hunger. I especially like the suggestions under 50 calories:
3. BTW: Might your hunger be shifting in relation to the seasons? I have found my appetite ramps up when the days get longer.

Hang in there and please keep us posted! Best, Joanna (MyNetDiary Dietitian)

I understand your feelings. The last few weeks I stopped tracking my calories because I knew I had gone over. The only thing I’m currently doing that’s helping is avoiding snacks. It’s quite difficult but I’m trying to not snack between meals and increase meal sizes. Hope you can get back on track !!

Hi Ellieb-
Great idea to avoid snacking to see how it works for you. For many folks, shifting their eating frequency can make a noticeable difference in meeting their health goals. Thanks for sharing~ Joanna (MyNetDiary Dietitian)

I think if you feel you don’t want to to be snacking at this time, go for it, I don’t want to give up my snacking habit
