Struggling to enter restaurant food Topic
Hello, I am trying this again and wanted to reach out to see if anyone can help me preempt my pattern of failure. Specifically, I have failed at using mynetdiary (and other trackers) in the past because I get frustrated with ensuring all of my entries are accurate. When I'm making stuff at home, it is not a problem. However, when I eat out, it invariably gets quite frustrating and causes me to basically throw up my hands and not enter anything. For example, I'd like to get some Indian food takeout this evening, but when I search for palak paneer, I get options for a lot of pre-packaged food (like Amy's frozen dinners) and other stuff that has wildly variable calorie counts, grades, and nutritional information. So it makes it very hard to know that what I'm entering is meaningful!
So I guess my questions are:
1) Is mynetdiary working on adding more generic restaurant foods? I try to mostly eat at places that are local and so are not going to be in the database, but it seems like there should be generic options for common dishes at Indian/Italian/Mexican restaurants, diners, pubs, etc.
2) In the meantime, does anyone have advice on how to enter stuff like this where I can feel relatively good that I'm accurately tracking my food?
Thank you for any advice or encouragement you can provide.
A couple of thoughts. One is to go online and try to find a recipe for one of the items that you eat in a restaurant. Often recipes will have nutritional count and you could input that. The second thing is, just give it your best shot. Plug it in and live with it. I have really learned that tracking, whether it is 100% accurate or not, is what truly keeps me on track. When I quit tracking, I go totally off track. Somehow tracking, really does keep you on track.
Struggling to enter restaurant food