Successful Loss!! Topic

Hi everyone! I just wanted to share this with you to keep everyone motivated. I am currently on day 4 of food tracking and I have lost 2.5 pounds!! I’m super happy and really hope I can keep it up. Any tips for staying on track? Thanks for reading. Keep going, you can do this! xx

Hi I just started out as well and lost a few pounds. I don’t have any tips but don’t beat your self up for having chest days. There’s nothing wrong with it! I believe in you<33

It has been a week for me. I’m doing IF along with counting calories. I am down a little over a pound.

I think what’s been helpful for me is remembering why you want to lose weight. For me, it’s living longer and being able to do more physical activity. I think also remembering it’s a journey. Be kind to yourself.

It’s been 3 weeks of counting kilojoules and I’ve lost 5kgs and my tip is after an evening meal
where I may have 1600 kilojoules (400cal) in favour I would say no more food until tomorrow!

I what also keeps me on track is how my body feels now just after 3 weeks. No more heartburn, no feeling bloated! Yes, it’s a journey with no end destination, we keeping moving down this healthier lifestyle!

I started January 1st 2023 and I’m down 45 pounds. I average about 1.5 lbs per week and that’s a perfect rate of loss for me. My goal is 10 more pounds and that will put me at a normal healthy BMI. I eat around 1250 calories per day and walk 2 miles 3-4 times per week. My weight loss and activity have been sustainable and I don’t feel hungry or stuffed during the day. I cut out all alcohol and that has been a big calorie saver. I am a 58 year old mother with typical old age issues. I feel tons better and still can’t believe it’s me!!! Just keep going!!!! Do it for yourself!!! No one else can do it for you. I am also primary caregiver to our 19 year old extremely Autistic daughter, who requires a great deal of care. The saying about putting the oxygen mask on first before putting it on your kids is so TRUE!!! Be your Best First then you can be your Best for them!!! My Goal for 2023 was to put myself on the list and take care of me!!! I’m a better mother and wife because of it!!! If your tired of starting all over again then stop quitting!!! Have a wonderful, healthy, happy Friday.

Way to go DevonRaye! I just started again. I have to remind myself that tracking my food is not going to be graded! It’s my log to see how I’m doing. I want to lose at least a pound a week. You are very motivational and I thank you for that!

I’ve used this app before a couple of times. But like DevonRaye said about the oxygen mask is true. This is the first time I’m trying to lose weight for just myself. One to be healthier and two to just feel and look better about myself. I am trying to get 2-5 miles in a day now where before I did nothing. I keep telling myself your knees feel better and look at you wanting to walk. I don’t mind getting on the scale now. I may not want others to see it lol but before I just wouldn’t get on it.

Keep up the good work everyone. We are in it to win it this time.

Successful Loss!!