The 30/60 aliments per week challenge Topic

Hi all, first post in here,
I would like to ask (as I haven't been able to find it in the app or the forum yet) about the 30/60 aliments per week challenge. Gut health is something i am growing keen on, and wondered if this has been discussed for implmentation or if others were able to record it via the app.
Basically, eating a variety of food can help develop the gut microbiota and improve health in a way. It is of course not that straight forward, and eating certain kind of food can alter this. I believe it could be a nice tracker to have for food (for exemple using staple food recording), and also create curisity for new food and challenges.

For exemple, i am privileged to my own muesli and can record all i eat in it, in addition to most of my ingredients. When cooking, 30+ ingredients/week is easily achieved, and trying to find alternatives or try new things (milk, is found in yogurt/cheese/cream etc, but there is a variety of seeds, grains, meats, plants etc).

I am doing it manuallly myself already, but having management for it would be awesome.
So if anyone has feedback on this, i'm happy to hear about it!

many thanks for reading!


I have never heard of it, but I have been put on Alignment for my gut health which has been declining lately. By the way I am hoping some people would chat here, but noticed a lot of the posts are old, so I made my own group if you would like to join it is called Weight Avengers. Add me if you wish.

I have never heard of that either. I have gastric ulcers so gut health is something I am striving for.

The 30/60 aliments per week challenge