The Best British Bellybusters - UK only Topics

Losing weight sucks! It's not a secret! Cakes taste good! Wine is good! Crisps are good! But.... IT HAS TO STOP!! Feel unhealthy! Feel HUGE! And I hurt! If you want to be fatbuddies and help each other, this is an easy way to do it!

Weight Loss Progress

1 member lost no weight within last week, 7.1lbs within last month, total loss is 21.8lbs.

Hello 1 messages

Last message on 02/20/23 by Mellybabes😘: Hi, I'm Melly and I have over 100lbs to lose! I struggle even though I am a vegetarian and eat loads of fruit and veg - it's the pasta, rice, potatoes etc Damn those carbs!! 😏🤐😝

The Best British Bellybusters - UK only. Losing weight sucks! It's not a secret! Cakes taste good! Wine is good! Crisps are good! But.... IT HAS TO STOP!! Feel unhealthy! Feel HUGE! And I hurt! If you want to be fatbuddies and help each other, this is an easy way to do it!