The Loop Topic

This week I restarted habits and started some changes.

Reflecting back, I was doing so well for the first 4-6 weeks starting in November but got out of the loop because I got sick. Now, it is the end of January and I am trying to get back in the loop but suddenly have these cold symptoms.

I am realizing that this loop is on-going, I can get back on or get off the track - It's the bounce back is where the mindset needs to change.

I have started walking to work (20 minutes) and walking to pick up my kids at their daycare (40 minutes) - then we bus it home and the walk from the bus stop is about 5-10 minutes depending on the little legs.

This decision was a mindful one with added bonuses to go with it:
a) strengthens my legs, cardio and endurance for a 10 mile race I am training for in May.
b) saving money on gas
c) improving time management

I have been on this well-being journey since November 17 and it is January 31 - 2 months. I have made good progress, the main thing is the decision making. Not because I have to because I want to. I want these decisions to come second nature, a part of my lifestyle.

I've been listening to podcast that have helped give me tools - these nutritional impacts in my life have also influenced improvements on my home, work and personal relationship life.

So no matter if I am in or out of the loop - the learning and development I have gained in either part is all beneficial and as long as I bounce back each time - I will never lose.

The Loop