Things to do (... other than eat :) Topic

I'm trying to get into/get back into the habit of eating healthy, or, more to the point, of eating LESS. That means that I need to stop the infernal snacking/nibbling/grazing habit -- so I'm trying to make a list for myself of things to do other than reach for food. I'd love it if people here would chip in, and I'll be adding to the list as well:

- grab some water (... never enough of that)
- moisturize/reapply sunscreen
- go down my "I really need to" list -- take out the trash, write that thank-you note, pay a bill ...
- grab some MORE water
- ...

Your turn :)

Go for a walk, read a magazine, meditate, clean the house (that doent happen often)

This may not answer your question but I've plateaued recently so have decided to graze more instead of having 3 meals a day. Between lots of water, green tea, low cal cup soups, nuts, fruit, carrots, celery etc, i am getting SICK OF EATING! There is a forum on low fat snacks on here (see link below) - you might find it helpful to meet halfway by grazing on good stuff instead. Im not a big tea person but i am adapting to it as a means of distraction!

Take up a new hobby. To curb eating, I took up piano and gardening. Now, every time I feel tempted to eat outside of one of my set eating times, I play the piano or garden. :)

I've been an Internet junkie to stay busy if I feel hungry.

Things to do (... other than eat :)