I have been doing this for 11 months have lost 70 pounds and NEVER cheat. I’m so afraid of going back to what I was. To add, I’m 65 years old and went from 184 to 114. I love being thin. Why is it everyone keeps encouraging me to eat more. This is a big victory to me at this age, and I’m happy not being obese anymore. Why doesn’t my family offer my support and stop being critical?

I have been doing this for 11 months have lost 70 pounds and NEVER cheat. I’m so afraid of going back to what I was. To add, I’m 65 years old and went from 184 to 114. I love being thin. Why is it everyone keeps encouraging me to eat more. This is a big victory to me at this age, and I’m happy not being obese anymore. Why doesn’t my family offer my support and stop being critical?

Dear U1185542224,

Congrats on losing 70 pounds! Do you feel healthier? Sometimes others in our lives aren't in healthy mode and they want us to go back to the way we were when we were eating more like them. This can happen whether they realize it or not. Also, it doesn't help that our society is set up for overeating with the abundance of foods in large portions.

Can you get support from like-minded people who are eating healthy and exercising? This forum is great for support also so keep active on it.

Stay with your plan, it sounds like you are so happy!

Have a great day! Brenda (Dietitian)

Hi, just curious how to turn off the addition exercise calories to daily limit, as I’ve changed my mind. I see the number and think I should eat it all. I now prefer not to do that.

The three dots on the top left of the home screen, then settings. It should be the 3rd or 4th option down on the next page.

I have recently switched this on because too many of my days were showing as red when in fact I was doing fine most days with appropriate deficit. But I agree with those who state the down side - the tendency is to feel free to eat more. There is also another linked issue. I think the app overestimates calories burned in exercise. I need to do more research but I may start a new post about this. I think m n d is otherwise excellent ??

Hi Andybristoluk,

You make a good point about how people can use the tracker in various ways to help them meet their goals! That is the beauty of all the settings options with MyNetDiary!

Regarding the exercise calorie estimation, the calorie calculations are taken from the best available resource at the Cooper Institute. You may find these links helpful.

Estimating energy expenditure with exercise is not a perfect science and the METS provide a scientific estimation that is primarily meant to be used in the research setting. Factors that affect actual calorie burning are many and include body composition, altitude when exercising, and then there is the fact that there are many "stop and go" exercises that make it especially difficult to track for actual metabolic effort. Golf, basketball, and tennis come to mind and also stopping for a traffic light when running or stopping to talk with someone when walking. Very difficult to get precise measurements for exercise in the real world outside of a "NASA" controlled environment.

Thanks for mentioning that the MyNetDIary app is excellent! The developers have worked hard to produce a high quality product!

We appreciate your engagement on forum and use of the product! Brenda (MyNetDiary Dietitian)

I add them but I don’t eat them unless hungry.

Wanted to add, if I’m hungry, I have bonus calories, if I’m not hungry, I get bonus fat burn.

Hi Simplycidalia- Sounds like you are thinking through this in a very practical and realistic manner. It is all about progress not perfection. Thanks for sharing~ Joanna (MND Dietician)