That is the question LOL.

I am just curious what everyone does and how they handle it. I currently do NOT add my exercise calories to my total calorie intake. I have found that when I do that, I tend to see those "extra cals" and think "WOO HOO! Let's stuff our face!" So I don't add it. With that said, when I DO go over a scooch, in the back of my mind I know I have a bit of leeway with "reserve" calories so I tend not to worry too much. I guess the main reason I don't add them is because I don't like to view my "burn" as "free calories" and try my best not to eat them back.

What's everyone's opinion on this?

Hello Justjennie,

I think your approach is great, especially with what you said! I have seen many people "eat the extra calories burned in exercise" and then get frustrated when they don't lose weight. Thinking of the extra calories burned in exercise as a bonus seems to work well for most people.

Have a great day! Brenda (Dietitian)

I add my run and weightlifting calories and eat some of it back. I try to eat the same each day (about 2100 calories) and will slowly lose weight if I don’t cheat. (There MAY have been a large piece of cheesecake that disappeared earlier this week)

I have my plan set up to lose 1 lb a week (1700 cal per day) but exercise too much to limit myself to that. I end up adding in 300-900 calories per day of exercise. So I eat 300-400 of my exercise calories each day.

Crazy- the days I burn the most are the days I am least hungry. Sundays- my rest day, I am ravenous ALL day!

If I don’t add in the exercise calories, my total calorie allowance just looks ridiculously low and it tempts me to just abandon my self control for the day. It also helps to record my exercise calories since it reminds me blowing it on a splurge would wipeout all the benefit of a hard, hot, humid run! (The cheesecake is very rare treat so I don’t feel too guilt ridden)

I have been doing this for 11 months have lost 70 pounds and NEVER cheat. I’m so afraid of going back to what I was. To add, I’m 65 years old and went from 184 to 114. I love being thin. Why is it everyone keeps encouraging me to eat more. This is a big victory to me at this age, and I’m happy not being obese anymore. Why doesn’t my family offer my support and stop being critical?

I have been doing this for 11 months have lost 70 pounds and NEVER cheat. I’m so afraid of going back to what I was. To add, I’m 65 years old and went from 184 to 114. I love being thin. Why is it everyone keeps encouraging me to eat more. This is a big victory to me at this age, and I’m happy not being obese anymore. Why doesn’t my family offer my support and stop being critical?

I have been doing this for 11 months have lost 70 pounds and NEVER cheat. I’m so afraid of going back to what I was. To add, I’m 65 years old and went from 184 to 114. I love being thin. Why is it everyone keeps encouraging me to eat more. This is a big victory to me at this age, and I’m happy not being obese anymore. Why doesn’t my family offer my support and stop being critical?

Dear U1185542224,

Congrats on losing 70 pounds! Do you feel healthier? Sometimes others in our lives aren't in healthy mode and they want us to go back to the way we were when we were eating more like them. This can happen whether they realize it or not. Also, it doesn't help that our society is set up for overeating with the abundance of foods in large portions.

Can you get support from like-minded people who are eating healthy and exercising? This forum is great for support also so keep active on it.

Stay with your plan, it sounds like you are so happy!

Have a great day! Brenda (Dietitian)

Hi, just curious how to turn off the addition exercise calories to daily limit, as I’ve changed my mind. I see the number and think I should eat it all. I now prefer not to do that.

The three dots on the top left of the home screen, then settings. It should be the 3rd or 4th option down on the next page.

I have recently switched this on because too many of my days were showing as red when in fact I was doing fine most days with appropriate deficit. But I agree with those who state the down side - the tendency is to feel free to eat more. There is also another linked issue. I think the app overestimates calories burned in exercise. I need to do more research but I may start a new post about this. I think m n d is otherwise excellent ??