Today is the day! Topic

Great info Spower, I feel like it will be slowing down even more too. In a way that's ok, because I do want to keep my new habits for good and if it slows I don't intend to change things. That being said, for the benefits in interviews and so on the sooner I lose more the better.

We took the kids to the mall to play last night, the wife wanted to get Panda Express while we were there. I was trying to see how to stay under on cals. Ended up getting 2 low cal entrees with mixed veggies and water. For comparison, 3 months ago I would have chose 3 entrees, the highest calorie options no doubt. With fried rice the highest calorie side item and filled the largest cup with Coke they offer at least twice. It's like a 1500 calorie difference in one meal.

The best part is it doesn't even feel like I am being denied anymore. At first it was tougher, now if I can get to the nutrition facts for a place it feels natural to select low calorie options. The funniest part, until I looked last night, I didn't even know they offered mixed veggies as a side. Go figure. I used to be quite out of control.

Just like we said, I have come upon a slow period. I hover within a pound of 235 and have for over a week.

Part of it is I have a staph infection and am on two antibiotics, that also means I am sleeping a bit more and working out a bit less. Hopefully get back into a loss groove again soon.

On the bright side on my walk last night I ran the entire first mile straight and in under ten minutes, and it didn't kill me. I was breathing heavy but I made it. Haven't done that in at least ten years.

Just had my weigh in officially at my Weight Loss clinic. Went 5 weeks since my last appt and I was down 9.5 lbs and lost 1.25 inches around my waist. So that is close to my 2 lbs a week average. I guess I am back on track. Now down 75 lbs total. Weird that I lose 10 lbs in 2 months, and now 10 lbs in one. The big trick is this month. going on a week long cruise to the Caribbean. Lets see how I do without internet access. I will have to journal my food items manually during that time period and place them on here afterwords. I plan on taking new post pic (for now) when I get back so I can compare my before and after of when I started.

Awesome to be back on track, great job. It feels so good to see the results, I am sure you noticed the inch plus change in your clothes the most!

Let us know how the cruise goes, I hope you have a great time and manage your tracking well.

You're going for 20% body fat right, more than a number? How much closer did these 5 weeks get you to that? It seems like my body fat percentage hardly ever changes even with weight loss, but that's a scale doing the measurement and I don't think it's very effective.

Keep up the good work.

I went from 29% down to 28%. But sometimes being dehydrated will change those numbers. However, I just want to concentrate on a healthy body fat percentage and not so much a weight. Whatever weight gets me to that percentage is the weight that I would like to obtain. My fat percentage is used through the scale, instead of measurements. Of course, they take measurements as well.

Sweet! I am finally back and already losing weight, thank God! It can sometimes take a while for you to make up your mind to Really start losing weight... Anyways, I have lost a total of 6.5lbs in about 1 week! I have been using my treadmill walking on it for 30 minutes each day, and of course really watching what I eat, trying to eat more proteins than carbs. One thing I can for surely see is that when you have a good attitude about losing weight and getting in shape, it surely beats an attitude that feels helpless....

Rock on everyone!

The secret, "It was a secret to me, hehehe" about losing weight:

1. In order to lose weight, you cannot just use a treadmill, or exercise and be eating low carbs, and high proteins and EXPECT your weight to consistently go down, it will go down at first and then STOP!

The KEY is that you have to be Lifting Weights or doing Nautilus at the same time you are eating properly and doing cardiovascular exercises.... Just wanted to point out an amazing thing that I just recently learned about RAISING YOUR METABOLISM, I wish the best to everyone!

Hi...Reading everyone's posts is very motivating. Your positive attitude and discipline to stay on track will surely bring much success. I'm newbie with this, it works and touching base with the like minded community here is great.

I just posted my success story, even though I still have 20 more pounds to lose. But take a look at my pre and post photos if you need some encouragement. Been doing Weight Watchers, Atkins and exercising like crazy. It wasn't until I went to an actual dietician and weight loss specialist did I finally get the education needed to lose the weight. What they have me do is really close to what MyNetDiary has you do. I use this program to monitor what I eat and sometimes my exercise when it goes above what I normally do. 11 months and I am really close to my goal and looking great. Jean2016, you can do it too!

Brian please give us some more detail on the weights you have found to really work raising the metabolism?

To be honest I have dropped nearly the first forty pounds running at least 4 days a week and tracking intake. It's getting to where the runs aren't as challenging and I think I need muscle confusion to keep the train rolling down the tracks. What should I add and what ways have worked best for ya'll, thanks!

As an update the train has slowed, now hovering around 225. Have been eating out a bit more due to family situation so I am thinking that's why, or this could be another adjustment. Trying to get over this mini-hill again!

Today is the day!