Too much vegetables ? Topic

I usually eat around 1kg of vegetables per day but I have the feeling that it is too much (bloating etc), even though my carbs figures are good. I think it should be more balanced with my grain intake... How many percentage of my daily calories intake should come from non-starchy vegetables ? (To be clear, I exclude grains, beans etc from this group).
Thank you

Hi U1193073686,
You're smart to include a lot of non-starchy vegetables in your day because they are the lowest calorie food group. It can take a while for your body to adjust to higher amounts of fiber so you may find less bloating as time goes on. You might consider an anti-gas supplement, like Gas X until you adjust. We usually recommend daily vegetables in servings. I would aim for at least 3-5 servings daily with one serving being 1/2 cup cooked or 1 cup raw. If you find that you are eating way more than that, you could back off and then gradually increase again as your body tolerates.

Hope this helps! Brenda (MyNetDiary Dietitian)

Too much vegetables ?