Totally Perplexed and Frustrated Topic

I am at a loss, as to how I can after 5 days into the week, be down 700g, then two days later be up by 1.2kg? My app says I should have lost 850g for the week, and yet I gained is this possible? From Friday morning to Saturday morning I gained 600g, then Saturday to Sunday, another 600g, all while the app says i am losing? My total calorie intake for each day averaged 1500 calories for crying out loud, including the last two days of the week where I suddenly gained so much? Something in the calculations must be wrong. I weigh and log everything, so there must be an issue I am not seeing. I am into week 47 of my diet (been dieting continuously since January) and have so far this year lost 43kg, so it is not as though I don't know how to log my food. Can you help? Happy to send my logs through for you to have a look at!

I had to do 1200 calories and walk a lot to lose. I couldn’t go by what it said it didn’t work for me. Also keep in mind weight will go up if you eat something with high sodium. I keep a weight journal and I see how my weight does after I eat certain things.

Hi Albion. Is it possible that you’ve eaten something high fibre and the extra weight is just down to fluid retention in the food in your system? I find this happens to me occasionally, but I find it sorts itself out after a few days and I’ll drop a few lbs suddenly - which evens it out. Fingers crossed thats all it is for you just now.

I’m having these same issues ..... but the sodium intake may be the problem.

Hi U1189059973- Sorry to hear the scale is not reflecting your hard work. Here are some tips to get the scale moving again:
Hang in there! Best, Joanna (MyNetDiary Dietitian)

Totally Perplexed and Frustrated