Updates Topic

I really wanted this to be an active groups as lots of others don't have recent posts, however I haven't been active myself.
I have had to press the reset button and I have restarted from 12 Feb 24, I didn't want to put myself under the new year new me umbrella, so I have waited until now as I feel ready.
I am a sucker for self sabotage which is why I have to make myself accountable.
How are the rest of you doing?

I hope you're still around... I am also looking for an interactive group. I hit the reset button for 5 years doing keto or low carb. I'm done with that kind of dieting and just want to learn how to eat/live balanced.

Hi Thankful, yes I am still around. Great to hear from you, this is what I need to also keep focused.
Are you going for pure calorie counting now?
Do you do any exercise as well?
Look forward to supporting each other on the journey and hopefully more will start engaging as well :)
