Vegetarian/Flexitarian Weight loss buddy? Topic
Hey all! So my husband and I used to be vegan- I was skinny for a while but when I was commuting to grad school these last couple years I stopped counting calories and gained most of it back. 15 out of 30 pounds! It was the first time I had really lost any weight as an adult and it was very hard on me to gain it back. That ended last May (yikes- a year with that extra weight!)
So now I'm done with school, and had stopped eating strictly vegan or even vegetarian- lots of seafood, I still can't eat meat. Personal choice.
I'm looking for someone or someones who are looking to eat less animal products and wants a partner to talk about recipes, eating out, and general weightloss stuff. I cook a lot ahead for the week and use meal planning so my husband and I have lunches all ready to go. So I'm feeling pretty good, but I'm kinda lonely- I'd like to share the journey and get the benefit of supporting someone else as well as getting support. Message me and let me know!
Hi Phillysinger,
I was a vegetarian/pescetarian for 7+ years. Several years ago I tried meat and went along with it for a while, but it never made me feel good. So i decided to stop, I still eat fish, and occasionally take a taste of my omnivore partners dinner if we're at a nice restaurant but for the most part I eat a whole foods vegan diet. I would likely be more vegetarian but I decided to cut out most dairy since I'm somewhat lactose intolerant.
Long story short I've lost about 35lbs and have 110lbs to go, but I'd be happy to compare notes about cooking and just give support during your journey. I'll certainly be kicking around mynetdiary for months and months to come.
replied to Wouterra
That's a very similiar story to mine, though you have me beat at the weight loss game! Great job! How do I friend you? That makes sharing easier, I think- puts alerts up on our homepages when the other posts.
And yes about the feeling good thing- I'm also dairy sensitive, though the less I eat the less I react, so I can have ice cream or cheese on pizza once a week. And the less fish/animal anything I eat lately I feel better, lighter and more calm somehow. Maybe it's just eating in line with what I think is really right instead of what tastes good. Eating is so emotional!
My goal this week: no dairy or animal product until Sunday- then it's milk chocolate Easter candy all the way!
Have you tried Happy Herbivore cookbooks yet? I love how simple they are and how surprisingly good they are too. Look her up.
So nice to meet you, Wouterra!
I just added you as a friend and started a private topic with you, that should make me easier to find. In the private topic I explain how to add me as a friend too.
For me with dairy it tends to be the higher the fat percentage the worst it is. For example cheap ice cream is tolerable (still not great) but the good fatty stuff is painful. I don't feel too bad about it, since I figure it's better for me that way.
Good points about eating what makes you feel good versus what tastes the best. I have a sweet tooth but I'm really sensitive to refined sugar. Once I really became aware of the mood swings during the sugar crash I cut it out of my regular diet nearly completely. I still have a treat every now and then, my favorite being these raw low-glycemic chocolate bars for my co-op. They come in small portions, they don't trigger cravings for me after, and I don't have a huge sugar crash.
I've taken to calling unhealthy foods at the grocery store 'poison'. I'll say it to myself in my head as I walk down isles of unhealthy food. I figure it's a good association to build up.
Good goal for the week! Just remember it's not about restricting yourself, so much as feeling good. I've come from a long line of dieters, and how you feel or think about the choice you make can make a big impact.
Easter, I wont be around any little ones this year so I think I might go without chocolate. My partner is Jewish (secular), so I want to find a relatively healthy coconut macaroon recipe for a Passover treat for him.
In regards to the Happy Herbivore, I have Everyday Happy Herbivore. It's a great book. I've really be enjoying it. I got it the same time as Appetite for Reduction by Isa Chandra Moskowitz which I've also been cooking out of a lot. Great simple books that have made weeknights a breeze.
Looking forward to talking more.
I totally didn't make it with the dairy thing! We met friends for dinner on Tuesday night at a Greek place, and well, feta! I haven't been sleeping very well, and late nights mean I'm hungrier and cranky the next day. Like all those magazines say, sleep really is connected to appetite. Sooooo I'll really chug water and eat small bits when I get hungry, and not so much at once. Sometimes it seems like an eternity between meals on those hungry days, so maybe I'll split them in half. And I never added Tuesday night's dinner- this week's average may be below my maintainance calories, but I'm feeling sad that I haven't taken better care of myself. At least I've been exercising well! And speaking of that, it's time for my brisk recovery walk! Catch you later!
Oh and I have Appetite for Reduction on my Kindle- I forget I have it so thanks for that!
The changes you are trying to make a life long, and there will be ups and down. Habits are hard to break! I've had back weeks too, but you just get going again. That's why it's good to keep a food diary, so you can catch problems before it's actually a problem.
I wrote you more in our private dialog too because I noticed your blog post.
I wouldn't say this is so much of a failure as a learning experience. You get to look at your issues and learn from them. Feta happens!
If you have problems with certain foods, it it might be best to abstain form them and let their effect on your body get out of your system. I really find Brendan Brazier's Thrive helpful in this regard. It's Vegan Sports nutrition, but what he has to say about nutrition overall and especially biological debt I found really helpful in quitting coffee for one. I still drink it from time to time, but rarely. Anyway, it might be helpful.
Vegetarian/Flexitarian Weight loss buddy?