Vitamin K Topic

What is the vitamin K % MDR in 1 cup of boiled, unseasoned, pumpkin puree. MyNetDiary only allows units of %MDR. Sources on the web only give Vitamin K in mcg. I challenge you to figure out what needs to be entered into the custom food page so a recipe made with customized version of pumpkin puree ends up giving a correct value for vitamin K on the food page. Then tell me what math you used to get that value.

Hi Leahoconnor- I'd suggest logging the
"Pumpkin canned without salt" in Staples (look for the folder and apple icon) instead of creating a custom food. 1 Cup contains 39 mcg of vitamin K. The custom food feature is great though as you mentioned, it has some quirks requiring extra work. You may find this article helpful:
Have a great day! Joanna (MyNetDiary Dietitian)

Canned pumpkin has twice the calories and half the water of homemade from fresh pumpkins. I just looked at an assortment of items from staples that I know have Vitamin K. Many had nothing listed for Vitamin K. No food labels list Vitamin K. Without knowing what MyNetDiary uses for MDR in mcg's, it is impossible to calculate the %MDR. Maybe I should just change to Eliquis instead of coumadin. :)

Hi there Leahoconnor-
Thank you for your patience on this one.
Do you use the MyNetDiary web app for tracking? The reason I ask is the Custom Food feature is slightly different on the mobile vs web app. The mobile app allows you the flexibility of entering in vitamins in mcg, mg or % dv when creating a custom food. Whereas the web app only allows % dv (as you have found) for vitamin K. To save yourself the extra work of calculating % dv from mcg, I'd suggest using the mobile app as a workaround. To access the mobile app, simply log in with the same username and password used on the web app. You will then see the feature (once inside a Custom Food) to toggle on or off for how you want the vitamins displayed.
As for the lack of data on USDA Food Data Central, we have found the same thing as you. Some nutrient information for certain foods is just not there. Again, I apologize for the inconvenience. Cheers to cooking from scratch~Joanna (MyNetDiary Dietitian)

Vitamin K