Week 4 in January Topic

This week I have again stated to do slight exercise (hurt my knee + had slight flu) after two weeks. Had a nice weekend trip with my wife + nice food so that has slowed me down some. But now, back in business!

Thank you, I try to weight myself at the same time. In the mornings so that it's a consistant measurement. The only time I have time to workout is at work. I'm afraid if I weigh myself too often and put on any weight for reasons like water weight gain I will get discourged.

I feel the same way you do, Techchic2010. I weigh myself once a week first thing in the morning.I also only hope to lose a pound so that if I have actually lost more it's a bonus! :-)

Thank you, Moneypenny. I thought I wasn't weighing myself enough. I see other people weighing themselves every day. I will continue to weigh myself only once a week.

When I was losing weight, I only weighed myself once a week because the fluctuations drove me crazy. Now that I am in maintenance, I'm weighing myself about 5 days a week to see how much I fluctuate.



Dining out in San Francisco was wonderful, despite having a horrible cold for the first 3 days. That might be why I am still at goal weight! I found that vegetarian Indian food was great for my sinuses, and kept the calories under control. Also, I could still taste the spices!


Kathy Isacks, MPS, RD

Thank you Kathy, I will continue to weigh myself once a week as I have been doing until I reach my goal weight and than perhaps weigh myself more often to see when I have fluctuations. Thank you for the advice.

Exactly why I keep to wieghing myself once a week as it was disappointing to see a weight gain the day after I had weighed in. Kathy, what is the reason for those fluctuations?

Well, I fell off the wagon in 2012 and now will have to work extra hard to rid myself of this excess blubber :-) It's a new year and with determination and perseverance I will do it!

Munchy, glad you are back with us! The only sure way to fail is to give up. Glad you are taking the reins again.

Week 4 in January