Weekly Check In Topic

Doing a check in early as off to London this weekend. Whilst it will include a 10K run it will also include some alcohol and not so good food. Normally I would stress about this, but I have been good leading up to it and will get straight back on it afterwards. I can still pick some of the healthier food options.
This is where I have to balance the want to lose weight with also trying to enjoy life, this isn't a common occurrence and that is the main thong.
Hope you are all doing well, any plans?

Well, I just found your group and it's March... are you back from your London trip? How did you fare? I used to have issues getting back on track after traveling, but that was back when I was on Atkins with strict regulations on what I am or not allowed to eat, over a year ago. However, I've only been on mynetdiary for 2 weeks so it's still TBD how well I do when I travel.

I certainly am back and I managed to get back on track a lot quicker than normal. Next stop Tenerife in 10 days, going to be a lot more damage then but it is all about balance otherwise whats the point? To be fair food is normally alright when hot, its the increase of alcohol.
Need to stay focused for the next 10 days for maximum loss so I still stay on schedule after my holiday

Weekly Check In